On Sunday, November 15th, I had the honor of spending a day by my little sister’s hospital bedside in the last days of her life here on earth. I began writing this while she was still in-between heaven and earth. I am convinced more than ever that we have very little knowledge of what all takes place at the end of ones life in Christ. I think about how detailed the process to life is… from finding your spouse, to conceiving a baby and how God guides all that to happen. I think about all the unanswered questions that I may have as I try to understand that intricate weaving of a life into a womb and having that babe form for 9 months and with technology now allowing us to see how each organ forms perfectly at a specific time. All this working together to bring a beautiful life forth to the birth. What a process that is! I don’t think we give it much thought because we see it happen around us all the time and we take for granted how delicate and perfect God ...