Ageing is a Process - My Testimony! Part 2

Recently, I had a bit of a health scare.  I woke up and found a suspicious looking lump on my right breast.  The lump was swollen and red and hard to the touch as well as a bit painful.  Of course  I saw it when I was alone in our home and just the thoughts began to flood in.  I did what my husband always tells me not to do... I googled!  I googled, pictures of lumps, I googled all different kinds of cancer sites.  Red all the articles.  Then I put my phone down and I began to pray!  Because I waited til he got home and showed him my lump and the look on his face, as much as he masked it,  made me tremble a little.   My husband's demeanor changed into His Doctor mode.  He began to ask me questions, like When did you first notice it?  Does it hurt? etc...  He then looked at me with tenderness and said its fine.  Probably some kind of insect bite but don't worry.  But I know him and he looked worried.  He asked me how I felt and I told him all I was feeling and what I had read.  The next few days were long and full of moments of fear, moments of joy, and moments of trust in the Lord.

I texted a couple of my friends that I knew would intercede in prayer for me.  We discussed it with my children and they began praying for me as well.  I know it was hard for them and I could see their what ifs too.  

2020 was turning into an unpredictable year but I knew that our trust was in the Lord.  He has always been so good to our little family and so so faithful.  

Interestingly, a few weeks before this pause in our lives I had gone to my routine wellness checkup because I needed my HRT pellets.  I was long overdue because of Covid-19 and everything being shut down.  I had been feeling well with no issues menopause wise,  except for the lack of energy that was slowly creeping back so I thought "ok, I need to get my pellets".   The doctors office informed me that I needed to have another Mammogram test before they would give me my pellets.  (I feel strongly against having radiation each year through a mammogram and so I decided against the mammogram).  Well the doctor refused to do the pellets without a mammogram.  I was ok with it,  thinking I probably didn't need them anymore so I left.  

I still needed my wellness checkup outside of the pellets but didn't really liked my current doctor for that.   On a side note, I prefer a male physician as I have had a few bad experiences with female doctors.   Thats just my own preference.  So that day I began looking for and found another doctor and made an appointment that was scheduled for a month out.

Fast forward to the day I found the lump,  Thank you Jesus, I had this appointment already scheduled when I found the lump.  It was just a week away.  We spent the week praying and watching the lump grow a bit and change color etc.   When the time of my appointment arrived,  the Doctor came in and introduced himself.  I then began to tell him about the Lump that had just appeared on my breast a few days ago.  He examined me and the look on his face was telling.  He said "Mrs. Galdamez, I want you to immediately go have a Diagnostic Mammogram asap.  It looks like IBC but it could be just inflammatory tissue etc but we need to know asap".   He said the words that I had read about and what I had feared. 

That's exactly what it looked like to us as well but we had been praying for over a week and trusting   G-d.  The Doctor was precious.  He held my hand and told me not to worry too much and to trust G-d.  He was a strong Christian man and I was so grateful that the Lord had sent me to him.

Everything had been shutdown and All Diagnostic labs were just opening up and backed up.   Again, grateful for the Lord's intervention on my behalf,  I was able to find an appt. for the following week.  As I left the doctors office my mind began to play up different scenarios.  As I got home my son Chris and my husband were working on the backyard and I told them what the Doctor said.  As I said the words out loud my voice trembled,  my husband just looked at me and said "all will be fine".  

The next few days were long and hard.  We gathered close as a family and we cried at the possibility of what might be but we clung to the promises of the Lord.    I saw my husband breakdown after holding on to his emotions.  I rushed to him and we held each other.  He had been praying and the Lord spoke to him and assured him that I would be fine.  Thats why he broke down, he had heard from the Lord.

Harold was my strong force pushing me toward trust and reminding me of our ever faithful G-d.  He lifted me in my moments of uncertainty.  Moments of quiet solitude.  Moments of fear.  After-all, many people we know have lost their lives due to cancer.  We didn't talk much about it during those days, we just prayed.   I will never forget one night,  we were watching a live sermon, the Pastor stopped and looked into the camera and said "You've received a bad report during these days, don't' fear,  You will be fine!  You will not die of this Cancer, you are healed by His stripes!  I looked over to my husband and said "Wow!  that was for me!  I got chills as he was speaking and felt goosebumps on my body.  

This was a test.  It was a test on how we would respond as a couple, as a family, as individuals.  I had been engulfed in Bible Study during that time,  I was teaching each week on zoom.  Since the beginning of the year I had totally immersed myself in the Bible in deep study and so I felt strong spiritually.  In my own personal study,  I had for months been reading on healing and all the ways Jesus had healed.  So when this test came upon me I was ready to do battle!  The Lord had been preparing me...

We Prayed, we fought spiritually, we fought against our weakness, we stood on His word and what it says on healing, we fought as a couple, we fought as parents, we fought as grandparents, we fought as spiritual leaders... The battle was ours as well as the Lords and We had to fight!

The day of my mammogram arrived, I chose to go alone, even-though due to Covid-19,  no one would be allowed to go in with me but just wait in the car.

Everyone in the lobby was waiting for a Diagnosis of Cancer or not... I felt strong even though I kept hearing the words of my Doctor  "IBC".   Any woman that has had a mammogram knows how uncomfortable this test is.  It does hurt a little, your breast are squeezed to almost flattened.  Ugh!  Then I had an Ultrasound Mammogram.  As you lay there you can actually see the Monitor and everything in your breasts.  You can see lumps and black spots and the technicians are I'm sure,  trained to not have any negative expression show on their face.  I had a lovely girl and she was very sweet and comforting.   But she kept going over that same spot and then she would smile down at me and ask if I was ok...

It was a long morning.  The Diagnostic Doctor came in and looked at my breast and examined it.  She told me she would give me her diagnostic after she had reviewed my tests.  I would have to wait a little bit.   I agreed.  The technician said I was lucky she had just come in because normally the results are not given on the same day.  I knew G-d was working on my behalf.  The waiting of days would have been too difficult.  So I waited and prayed.  I simply said "Lord, I trust you!"  Whatever comes, comes and you will walk me through it.  But, I believe you have healed me!"

Well, I'm here to share with you that the Lord heard our cry!  Hallelujah there was nothing on the inside of that lump!  The doctor said,  the outside doesn't match the inside.  She was so pleased.  Her countenance had changed from before when she had looked at my breast.   I know the Lord healed me!  He healed me of what could have been!

I know this is not the story of many wonderful women that are stronger, or more faithful than I am.  I don't know why some do have to go through a cancer journey.  I just know that I am so very grateful...

I lost a dear friend to Breast Cancer a few years ago and I still don't understand why she lost her battle.  Just a few months ago I sat in an emergency room with a friend while she lay unconscious and I told the staff that she was my sister so I could be with her and pray over her...she lost her battle too.  Its so heartbreaking...

Here is what I learned:

1.  Pray without ceasing!

2.  Know the scriptures on Healing and repeat them every day.

3.  Listen to ministries that have the gifts of healing very present in their church.  This will keep you strong!

4.  Call upon a couple of prayer warriors that you know have a prayerful lifestyle and ones who really will intercede for you every day... keep your circle small.  My husband, called on his sister to help pray.  My daughter called on her people and my son called on his people.   We were armed!

5.  Let words of strength spill out of your mouth, words of hope, words of peace, words of boldness and His truth!

6.  Rebuke the enemy and cast him out of your realm.  Rebuke the thoughts of fear and scenarios that play in your mind of what could be.

7.  Stay focused on the battle at hand.

8.  Practice Communion regularly, and have someone anoint you with oil as they pray for your healing.  (my husband did that for me)

We are now deep into this Covid-19 Pandemic.  We have to trust the Lord more than ever because we don't know what the future holds for each one of us.  We are not promised for us...we look to the one that holds us in the palm of His hand for our deliverance.   I I've seen many healings in my lifetime.  I believe in Healing as the will of G-d for all.  I also believe he is Holy and has a plan in our lives.   I think our churches and our pastors don't fully understand how to minister this to our congregations and don't know how to host the presence of the Holy Spirit so that we can experience more healings in our churches.  Why?  Because some people do die and they are afraid and feel they don't have an answer so they stay away from the subject.  Oh what a disservice this has done to the Church at large.  But I do understand and am not criticizing them, it's a big responsibility... a vicious cycle.  

If you need prayer, If you have been diagnosed with Cancer or any other illness please send your prayer requests to  I promise I will respond and will add you to my prayer list.  This is my testimony... 

Love, Ruth 


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